Acclaimed Doctor Who Spec Episode
When a mysterious figure, origo the illeist, begins to collect souls throughout time and space, the 14th Doctor is forced out of retirement; and with the help of some old and new friends, he discovers an ancient evil is about to be unleashed on this universe.

AWArd winning - Original - Doctor Who - Speculative EPISODE

Earned 4th induction in Scriptreaders - Hall Of Fame

Retro Opening Sequence


The Angels have the phone box.

10th Doctor remix

Bananas are Goood

for a long time now i thought i was just a survivor.  but i'm not.  i'm the winner.

the time lord victorious.

Am I naked in front of millions of viewers?  Ladies... your viewing numbers just went up.

I'm Clever.  Now we are all going to Castor 36 to breed.  Got it!  

A Dalek and a Cyberman walk into a bar...

Somebody get a ruler

Freak Dalek:  I am a Human Dalek.  I am your future

The Doctor: The hell you are.  F-That!  I'm the doctor. Look me up A-hole

Freak Dalek runs away... terrified.  

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